

Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure that is frequently used in dentistry and offers an effective solution for many gum problems. This procedure has an important place especially in the treatment of gum diseases, aesthetic interventions and making gums healthy. Gingivectomy, as the name suggests, involves surgical removal of a specific part of the gum. This intervention is usually performed to treat problems such as gum recession, swelling, infection or overgrowth of gums. It is also a preferred method to solve some aesthetic problems or reshape the gum line.

Gum health is one of the cornerstones of overall oral and dental health. Gums, as a part of the tissues that support the teeth, ensure that the teeth remain stable and the balance in the mouth is maintained. However, infections, inflammation or recession of the gums may occur for various reasons. Such situations do not only lead to aesthetic concerns; It can also seriously threaten oral health. Gingivectomy stands out as an effective method in eliminating these problems.

What is Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy is a word formed by combining the terms “gingiva” (gum) and “ectomy” (surgical removal). This procedure involves removing a certain part of the gum. It is often used to treat overgrown or inflamed gums due to gum disease. It may also be preferred for aesthetic reasons to correct the gums and make the teeth look smoother.

Gum diseases (periodontal diseases) can cause the gums to become inflamed, receding, and cause pockets to form around the teeth. These pockets are areas where bacteria can settle and if left untreated, can cause serious health problems. Gingivectomy is performed to eliminate these pockets and improve gum health.

Why is Gingivectomy Done?

Gingivectomy is a common surgical procedure in dentistry performed for both therapeutic and aesthetic purposes. This procedure is preferred to improve the health of the gums and remove diseased tissues, as well as to address aesthetic concerns. The main reasons for performing gingivectomy are:


How To?

It is performed by a specialist dentist or periodontologist. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and most patients do not experience pain or discomfort. We can summarize the gingivectomy process as follows:

Healing Process

The healing process after gingivectomy may vary from person to person. But in general, full recovery occurs within a few days to a week. In order to speed up the healing process and have a comfortable time, it is necessary to pay attention to the following suggestions:


Who Can Have Gingivectomy?

Gingivectomy may be suitable for anyone who cares about gum health. However, before the procedure, a detailed examination and planning should be made with your dentist. For people who need gingivectomy due to gum disease, gum overgrowth, or aesthetic concerns, this procedure can provide great benefits.





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